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The Brand’s The Thing --- Michael Hedges September 8, 2008
Promotion, marketing and branding is not just something NRJ does, it’s what NRJ is. It is not simply the company’s strong point, it’s the whole point.
Media Consolidation, Russian Style --- Michael Hedges February 22, 2008
Shareholders of two big Russian broadcasting companies merged their interests into a bigger broadcasting company. Consolidation can have a negative effect on media companies, not to forget media markets. But in Russia, it’s the only way to go.
Screen time --- Michael Hedges - July 30, 2007
Love it or not, media showing moving visual images continues to evolve. As the most widely used form of media expression, the directors and producers art reflects, distorts and pushes reality constantly feeling its way. When Ftm asked film and television director/producer Joaquin Lira about trends influencing his work he talked about finding the right color, local influences in globalized media and rediscovering the creative leaders.
Avtoradio – the First Car Radio Station --- Michael Hedges June 1, 2007
To be big in a market a radio station needs that special lure – a hook, raison d’etre. To be big in a big market, it is essential. Russia’s AvtoRadio has it, a solid radio brand.
Fragmentation -- A Word That Is Already Giving Newspapers And Their Web Sites Grief; “We’re Following The Money” – Words Advertisers Are Telling Newspaper Publishers Causing Even More Sorrow --- Philip M. Stone May 10, 2007
Fragmentation has already hit print, and it is starting to show up on its web sites, too. One stop shopping at a generalist news operation is losing favor to specialist operations. Why read about professional sports in your local paper or its web site, for instance, when you can visit ESPN and similar on the web that provide more specialist detailed sports information than one can ever absorb.
What Does It Take To Get A Newspaper’s Share Price Up? Well, Market Rumors That Warren Buffett Might Be Interested In Taking A Stake Is Better Than Share Buybacks, Higher Dividends, Or Just About Anything As The New York Times Just Learned --- Philip Stone February 8, 2007
There are few American investors more respected than Warren Buffett, the world’s second most wealthy man behind Bill Gates. Buffett runs the highly profitable and respected Berkshire Hathaway holding company and when he speaks each year at the company’s annual general meeting Wall Street pays close attention. His negative comments in a news conference about the long-term viability of the US newspaper industry should cast fear in newspaper executive suites.
Sulzberger Withdraws The Family’s Hundreds of Million of Dollars Worth Of New York Times Stock From Morgan Stanley Custody As The Investment Firm Presses For Corporate Reforms, But Beneath The Spat Are Issues Of Great Importance --- Philip M. Stone February 6, 2007
It reminds one of a kindergarten spat, but the stakes are far higher than that. Morgan Stanley Investment Management has been pressing for months that the New York Times Company’s management either shape up or ship out, but since the newspaper’s two-tier share ownership system gives the Sulzberger and Ochs families control over the board, therefore management of the company, the money fund is basically whistling in the wind. Change the two-tier system, the fund cries out, and it is told politely to go take a running jump.
The Interview – Prof-Media CEO Rafael Akopov --- Michael Hedges January 26, 2007
“You’re living in exciting times. So move faster!”
VNU’s Hollywood Reporter Fires 10; Later The Dutch-American Company Announces It’s Firing 10% of Its Global Workforce in 2007, And It’s Selling Its Business Media Europe Group – Welcome To Private Equity Firms Buying Media Businesses --- Philip Stone December 19, 2006
The one thing a media employee does not want to hear is that the company is being bought by private equity firms. That usually translates into massive layoffs as the company is restructured to be made ready within, say, five years or less, for further sale at a mighty profit. Case in point – take a look at what is happening at VNU.
Prof-Media Buys Russia’s TV3 --- Michael Hedges December 4, 2006
In a deal that changes several dynamics of the Russian media market, Prof-Media announced its acquisition of Independent Network Television Holding (INTH), owner of the TV3 television network. The sale price is estimated at about €410 million.
There’s Good Money To Be Made In East European Media As The Europeans, Americans, and Even the Locals Can Attest And Not Too Many Days Pass That There’s Not A Big Deal Announced --- Philip M. Stone November 9, 2006
In just the past few days Russia’s Prof-Media announced it had bought Rambler TV in Moscow, and then it launched a bid for all of Rambler because of its digital activities, and, oh yes, it also bought TV3 for around $500 million.
Another Russian Oligarch Gets The Phone Call --- Michael Hedges June 6, 2005
Vladimir Potanin gives up his majority stake in daily newspaper Izvestia. Financial analysts say it isn’t worth the trouble. Political analysts say it certainly isn’t worth the trouble.
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