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ftm Radio Page - October 1, 2010

Public broadcaster plans bigger web presence
Into the digital battle

The head of Polish public radio (Polskie Radio – PR) sees the web as the next big thing. “I can honestly say that Polish Radio is launching an online offensive,” said Jaroslaw Hasinski to (September 30). A new web portal, an online store and a web radio platform have recently been launched.

The platform has 45 web radio channels and offers Polish Radio archive material. More channels are planned in conjunction with PR’s 85th anniversary. “I want to emphasize that these are true radio stations, not jukeboxes,” he said.

Another in the planning is a 24 hours news channel, which may or may not appear on standard broadcast frequencies if regulators permit a new PR channel.

"Today, only forth-odd percent of people in Poland listen with stationary radio receivers listening only forty-odd percent of people in Poland,” Hasinski explained. Television is different, 98% watch at home. “We must look for new channels of communication for an interesting and wide range of Polish Radio, which is why we enter into the internet.” (JMH)

French summer holiday
Rockin’ and dancin’

Ah, summer! At time for relaxing, enjoying the sun, long days. Well, this past summer the French were tuning into the news, the World Cup and, sometimes, music reports ratings institute Médiamétrie.

The top three national radio channels – RTL, France Inter and Europe 1 – remained the top three listened to channels during the summer of 2010, as they were during the last three summers. (See French summer radio audience chart here) Both France Inter and Europe 1 gained market share, year on year, while RTL dropped slightly. Regional public network France Bleu placed 4th, losing market share.

RMC, with a significant sports position gained significantly, to 6.1% market share from 5.3% one year on, placing 6th.

NRJ, the old master of pop music, moved to 5th place, increasing market share to 6.2% from 5.5% year on year. Dance music channel Fun Radio gained market share to 4.5% from 4.0% while rock channel RTL2 showed the biggest market share gain of the French national channels, to 3.4% from 2.6% one year on.

Oldies channel Nostalgie posted the biggest year on year loss, falling to 4.8% market share from 5.8%. (JMH)

Broadcaster to exit broadcaster association
“it would be a shame”

German radio owner Regiocast and the private broadcasters association are parting company, reports several German media sources. Some radio broadcasters aren’t happy that “TV interests are always in the forefront,” as NRJ International CEO Christophe Montague told Spiegel (September 26).

Regiocast, owner of Berliner Rundfunk, 94.3 rs2 and Radio PSR, will leave the Association of Private Radio and Telemedia (Verband Privator Rundfunk und Telemedien - VPRT) at the end of the year, said CEO Erwin Linnenbach to W&V Kontakter (September 27) because “reconciling the positions of VPRT and locally organized regional broadcasters is increasingly difficult.”

“We are convinced that radio needs its own lobbying group to respond to the dramatic change in media,” said Linnebach. “We are, of course, always willing to participate in discussions whenever critical radio issues are raised.”

NRJ Group’s Montague criticized VPRT’s stance on gambling regulation and advertising on German public broadcasters.

“If someone goes,” said VPRT radio president Hans-Dieter Hilmoth, “it would be a shame.” (JMH)

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