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ftm Radio Page - September 11, 2009

Hurdles to jump over
FM switch-off in the UK

The threshold for FM switch-off in the UK is 90% DAB receiver penetration... or something. UK media analyst Grant Goddard shows graphically how difficult it will be to reach. (See here) (JMH)

Itsy Bitsy Bigger
Network grows to 20 cities

Romania’s Itsy Bitsy FM radio network gained 9 new licenses (September 8), says The children’s radio network will now be heard in 20 Romanian cities.

The network first launched in December 2005 as “a safe environment for children, a playground for them and for their parents,” said general manager Nadia Tataru. In March and April Itsy Bitsy FM ran an environmental responsibility campaign called “Green For Life” and sponsored a contest resulting in 400 trees being planted in Bucharest parks.

The stars of Itsy Bitsy FM are Itsy, Bitsy, Aranburu, Zapa and the Magician. (JMH)

Choose Radio
"Nice to meet you"

Radio broadcasters in Ireland have begun an on-air marketing campaign, mentioned earlier this week. (See here) They've produced some very clever spots to entice advertisers to radio. Here's one, courtesy of Sarah Martin at RTE. Enjoy!

Other broadcaster groups have launched similar campaigns. I think other ftm visitors would be interested in hearing these spots. If you have one, please share. (JMH)

Breakfast show war in UK looming?
Oh, what fun!

When BBC Radio 2 breakfast legend Terry Wogan let slip he'd be retiring at the end of the year little thought was given, at first, to the consequences. Then the BBC let slip that afternoon host Chris Evans would be moving into the breakfast chair. Evans is fairly close to legend in the UK himself. Radio 1 breakfast host Chris Moyles all but declared war.

There's nothing quite like a good ratings battle to excite listeners, yes? Andrew Harrison of the commercial broadcasters association RadioCentre isn't pleased. (See the MediaGuardian article here) (JMH)

Radio broadcasters sell radio
“Let’s see them do that on television.”

Irish radio broadcasters have created an ad campaign designed to reinforce that basic sales message – Choose Radio. Public RTE channels and private station members of the Independent Broadcasters of Ireland will air the 70 second spot beginning Wednesday September 9.

“To demonstrate the visual power of radio we decided our voiceover would describe a person,” said Cawley Nea creative director Alan Kelly in a release. “We wanted the listener to start painting a picture of this individual in their head. Then, to make it interesting, we made the person we were describing - the oddest person you could possibly imagine.” Cawley Nea created the spot in association with Carat Ireland.

Radio broadcasters have a knack for selling themselves. No sales story is better than pointing out to advertisers that they listen to radio, too. And “theater of the mind” is always an effective pitch.

Broadcaster associations have a long history of mounting campaigns to raise awareness of the medium to advertisers and listeners. The spot created in 1973 by advertising legend Stan Freberg – dropping a giant maraschino cherry into Lake Michigan drained and filled with hot chocolate – ended with the memorable tagline – “Let’s see them do that on television.” (JMH)

Recently added radio audience figures

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Europe's Radio – new update

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Digital Radio - Forward...slightly

Digital radio is slowly finding its way. Broadcasters are challenged by shifts in business models, audience expectations and regulation limbo. This ftm Knowledge file details the promise of digital broadcasting and the paradigm shifts. 83 pages PDF (June 2009)

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