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ftm Hot Topics 13 July, 2009

Hot Topic - IPTV


Free to see. Free to be - July 3, 2009
Rupert Murdoch wants nothing to be free. A billion Web users say otherwise. As such, a line is drawn between old and new media. There are others.

IPTV meets the law - May 21, 2009
Fearsome battles between start-ups – up-starts – and rights holders – holders-on – aren’t very imaginative. One side wants to get a grip on peoples’ eyes and ears. The other wants keep its grip. While the battles are fought, won and lost, the war for hearts, minds and money is already over.

Consumers - Homing in - September 9, 2008
Hi-tech manufacturers are homing in on consumers facing tighter budgets. The good news is that media is still in the mix. And it’s nothing your grandmother would recognize.

Can Television Survive Broadband? - August 8, 2005
With more and more program makers eyeing broadband Internet as the overall video delivery preference within the next five years, and with broadband experiments on the verge of opening vast new pipelines into the home the obvious question is then what happens to television as we know it today?

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Hot Topics - Mobile TV


ftm Knowledge

Media in Spain - Diverse and Challenged – new

Media in Spain is steeped in tradition. yet challenged by diversity. Publishers hold great influence, broadcasters competing. New media has been slow to rise and business models for all are under stress. Rich in language and culture, Spain's media is reaching into the future and finding more than expected. 123 pages, PDF. January 2018

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The Campaign Is On - Elections and Media

Elections campaigns are big media events. Candidates and issues are presented, analyzed and criticized in broadcast and print. Media is now more of a participant in elections than ever. This ftm Knowledge file reports on news coverage, advertising, endorsements and their effect on democracy at work. 84 pages. PDF (September 2017)

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Fake News, Hate Speech and Propaganda

The institutional threat of fake news, hate speech and propaganda is testing the mettle of those who toil in news media. Those three related evils are not new, by any means, but taken together have put the truth and those reporting it on the back foot. Words matter. This ftm Knowledge file explores that light. 48 pages, PDF (March 2017)

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