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Sources : Médiamétrie - La Rumeur de Cannes 2006 - Copyright Médiamétrie - Tous droits réservés. Enquête réalisée à Cannes auprès de 382 festivaliers. Ce film a déjà été projeté Pour ce premier jour de festival, la rumeur cannoise est principalement animée par le duel, au coude à coude, entre deux films : « Marie-Antoinette » devance d’une courte tête (couronnée) « Volver ». 12,3% des festivaliers attribuent la Palme d’or au film de Sofia Coppola contre 12,0% pour le film de Pedro Almodovar. Le podium est complété par « Babel » d’Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu et « Le vent se lève » de Ken Loach, tous deux cités par 6,8% des répondants. VPRT - Privater Rundfunk informiert über Entwicklungen im Medienmarkt und Positionen - May 17, 2006from Gesa Klebe VPRT Einen umfassenden Überblick über das medienpolitische, -wirtschaftliche und -technische Geschehen der letzten zwölf Monate bietet der Geschäftsbericht 2005/2006 des Verbandes Privater Rundfunk und Telekommunikation e. V. (VPRT), der zur Jahreshauptversammlung 2006 vorlegt wurde. Der Bericht dokumentiert die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Verfahrensstände in den genannten Bereichen sowie die Positionen der privaten Rundfunk- und Medienunternehmen. Darüber hinaus stellt sich der Verband mit seinen Strukturen, wichtigsten Akteuren und Aktivitäten umfassend vor. Der Geschäftsbericht des VPRT ist damit ein wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für alle, die sich mit den Entwicklungen der Medienlandschaft befassen.
Im Bereich Medienordnung finden Sie u. a. Informationen zu den Themen Duales Rundfunksystem (EU-Beschwerde, öffentlich-rechtliche Expansion), Medienrecht, Binnenmarkt, TK-Bereich, Diversifikation (TKG, Sportwetten, Spieleinsatzsteuergesetz), Jugendschutz, Werbung, Verbraucher- und Gesundheitsschutz sowie Deutschquote im Radio und die Aktivitäten der privaten Radioveranstalter im Bereich der Nachwuchsförderung.
Der VPRT informiert hier u. a. über seine Tätigkeiten in den Bereichen Urheberrecht, Markt- und Reichweitenforschung, Werbung sowie das Verfahren gegen die DFL im Zusammenhang mit der Hörfunkberichterstattung über Spiele der Fußball-Bundesliga. Medientechnik Hier finden sich umfassende Informationen zu Positionen des VPRT und seiner Mitglieder rund um das Thema Digitalisierung (Analog-Digital-Umstieg im Kabel, MHP, Digitalisierung der Terrestrik, DMB- und DVB-H-Projekte, DAB etc.) sowie zu den Aktivitäten des VPRT in verschiedenen externen Gremien zu dieser Thematik. WAN Launches Unique Approach to Media Development in the Arab World - May 16, 2006from Larry Kilman WAN The World Association of Newspapers is launching a unique media development programme in the Arab world in which selected newspapers will work together to share new commercial and editorial strategies with publishers and editors throughout the region. A team from the Paris-based WAN is visiting potential partners in Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia this week in the first phase of the WAN Arab Newspaper Development Project (ANDP), which aims to support and promote the collective intelligence that editors, publishers and press managers represent when they act together. "Newspapers throughout the Arab region face a number of obstacles, including repressive press laws, a lack of editorial independence and numerous commercial challenges, such as attracting advertisers and increasing readership," said Timothy Balding, Chief Executive Officer of WAN. "Although there have been some changes in recent years, most Arab media still principally act as part of the government process. The absence of cooperation between newspaper executives is one of the key reasons for the lack of 'press power' in Arab countries," he said. The ANDP project will support 12 selected newspapers from the Arab region in the creation and execution of new commercial or editorial strategies. Experiences generated through the project will be shared among other Arab media executives in an effort to strengthen the viability of independent newspapers in the region. The Arab Press Network, a web-based electronic network for Arab newspapers managed by WAN, will play a central role in disseminating the experiences of each newspaper involved. APN, available in Arabic, English and French, can be found at http://www.arabpressnetwork.org The ANDP will, in its first phase underway now, support three newspapers from the Arab region. Each of the three partners will devise and implement a commercial or editorial strategy, with the support of external consultants. Once the project is completed, each newspaper, in collaboration with the WAN team, will develop a programme to disseminate the expertise and the lessons learned to nine other newspapers in the region, which will use the information to develop their own strategies. The 12 newspapers will provide material for a practical training manual to be produced at the end of the 15-month project. The backbone of the manual will be monthly written reports submitted by the newspapers, as well as ongoing discussions between the consultants and newspapers, to be published on the Arab Press Network. "When the three ANDP partners pass on the skills and knowledge they have gained through their own development projects to their colleagues in neighbouring markets, the pyramid effect of the skills transfer begins, and the walls begin to come down," said Mr Balding. "The creation of a practical training manual based on these experiences allows an even greater audience to access the skills gained." The project is funded by WAN and the Cairo-based Danish-Egyptian Dialogue Institute. Prix Europa 2006: Call for entries - May 15, 2006from Prix-Europa Television-, Internet- and Radio productions can now be entered for this year's Prix Europa festival, which is taking place from 14 - 21 October 2006 in and around Berlin. There are thirteen prizes in nine categories: Internet (1), Radio (4), Television (6), the script award Prix Genève-Europe (1) and Prix Europa-SPOT (1) for one minute films. New for the 20th edition of Prix Europa: the Finnish broadcaster YLE has donated a special award for the best TV series, mini-series or serial. Prix Europa-SPOT is looking for films from young film-makers this year under the heading "Happy Birthday Europe", celebrating 50 years of European unification. Deadline for entries is 1 July 2006 (SPOT: 1 September). Under the trademark "Made in Europe" Prix Europa annually invites the best media productions as well as their makers and managers to Berlin for a week of festival and competition. Prix Europa 2006 enjoys the patronage of Josep Borrell Fontelles, President of the European Parliament, and Terry Davis, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, as well as the European Broadcasting Union. BBC World Service audiences hit all-time record levels - May 15, 2006from Mike Gardner BBC WS BBC World Service now attracts 163 million weekly radio listeners to its 33 language services – a record audience for the world’s best-known and most respected international broadcaster, according to figures announced today (Monday, May 15). The new weekly audience figure, compiled from independent surveys around the globe, is an increase of 14 million on last year’s figure of 149 million. The new figure equates to around 50 per cent more listeners than any comparable international broadcaster. This new figure smashes the previous BBC World Service record audience of 153 million in 2001. BBC World Service Director Nigel Chapman says: “This record-breaking audience is an outstanding achievement against the background of fierce competition, fast-developing technology and rapidly changing audience demands in many media markets. “The challenges ahead for BBC World Service remain formidable, as they do for all broadcasters, but this is a strong and welcome indication that we are not only strengthening our impact in priority areas but are flourishing in the multimedia age.” More BBC radio in world’s capital cities Shortwave and medium wave listening also showed an increase of around five million, particularly in rural areas in parts of East Africa and S E Asia (Burma, India and Nepal) which are among priority areas for BBC World Service. Overall audience to all the BBC’s global news services New Media English language network Regional increases NATIONAL RADIO AUDIENCE GAINS Nigeria Tanzania Nepal Indonesia India Kenya NATIONAL RADIO AUDIENCE LOSSES Pakistan ENPA General Assembly meets Finnish Prime Minister - May 10, 2006On the occasion of ENPA’s General Assembly in Helsinki on 5 May, the Finnish Prime Minister, Matti Vanhanen gave one of the very first indications about the agenda for the Finnish Presidency of the EU. He notably presented the high relevance of one of his coalition government’s four policy programmes to the Finnish Presidency programme of the EU – the Information Society. This will influence the EU presidency in the spirit of his policy to promote a growth-based innovation society, particularly by raising the importance of intellectual property issues to the EU and other international organizations and including a high-level Presidency conference on the agenda for 13/14 July in Helsinki on “Content and Copyright Policy”. The revision of the “Television without Frontiers” Directive will be a topical theme during the Finnish Presidency. The Prime Minister made clear that he wanted deregulation of the TV sector, but that any rules affecting advertising must respect the ethically important principle that the consumer needs to be able to distinguish between advertising and other content. The Prime Minister finished his presentation by concluding that newspapers in particular will have an important role to play in society for a long time to come. “A free press is fundamental to an open and transparent society”, he remarked. ENPA also exchanged views with Commission Cabinet Member (to Viviane Reding) Christophe Forax on the subject of Television without Frontiers current discussions and the Content Online initiative, due later this year. ENPA furthermore held a special seminar to raise the issues that publishers are experiencing in situations where exclusive media coverage and sponsorship rights particularly in relation to sport have been allocated. Presentations were given from a panel of three prominent figures who are all deeply involved in demanding fair rights for newspapers’ access to coverage of events subject to exclusive rights. Valdo Lehari Jr. , Publisher of Reutlinger General Anzeiger newspaper in Germany –also Vice-President of ENPA; Timothy Balding, CEO of the World Association of Newspapers; and Andrew Moger, former Times’ picture editor and now Managing Director of MM Consultancy specializing in the analysis of media accreditation. ENPA welcomes the following members to its Board: • Mr Geert Steurbaut – Publisher, VUM Group, the new ENPA Board Member for Belgium. • Mr Denis Bouchez – Director, French National Newspapers’ Association - Syndicat de la Presse Parisienne, as ENPA Deputy Board Member. • Ms Katalin Havas –Secretary General, Hungarian Newspaper Publishers’ Association - Magyar Lapkiadok Egyesulete, as ENPA Deputy Board Member. Previous News From You | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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