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The Numbers

The secret is having something to talk about. Credibility counts, too.

There is so much to talk about in France these days it’s just no real surprise that the national news and news talk stations continue to increase market shares.

RTL posterTotal listening reached its highest level in three years (84.1%) across France, another testament to the news/talk radios’ ascendancy. Average time spent listening increased to 178 minutes, the highest in more than five years. Médiamétrie surveys media audiences in France and released its survey of national radio listening January 17th. A week later the report for the Greater Paris area was released.

RTL may have set a modern record for market share in the national audience survey with 13.1%, up from 12.7% one year on. Regional public radio network France Inter ranked 2nd with 8.7%, down from 8.8% one year on. Europe 1 maintained 3rd place with 7.5%, unchanged. RMC increased to 4.9% from 4.3% one year on. France Info also increased to 4.0% from 3.4%. Those are, largely, the news and talk general interest channels. As you see, they are mostly on an up trend.

Not so good is the story about the national music channels, lower on aggregate over the last four survey periods. Only two showed gains in the November-December national survey period: RTL2 increased to 2.9% from 2.7% and MFM increased to 1.3% from 1.1%. Cherie FM and RFM were the biggest losers: Cherie FM dropped to 3.4% from 4.1% one year on and RFM dropped to 3.35 to 3.9%.

Public service channels of Radio France increased share to 21.4% from 20.5%, certainly welcome news as President Sarkozy looks at reorganizing French public broadcasting. Commercial channels decreased share on aggregate to 73.6% from 74.5%, certainly unwelcome news as radios’ share of the French ad market continues to plummet.

But it’s a slightly different view looking at the Greater Paris (Ile de France) region. Médiamétrie released the semi annual radio audience survey results for Ile de France January 24th. Differences in national results and numbers from the major urban center are striking, as well are the similarities. The listening level is down – 82.9% - from 83.6% September – December 2006.

As in the national survey, the Greater Paris listeners are increasing their time with the news and news talk channels. RTL is the leader. But the channel has significantly dropped market share to 12.5% from 14.4% year on year in Greater Paris. Europe 1 places second with 9.2%, up from 9.0% one year on.

RMC, which reached the top 4 in the Greater Paris survey a year ago, rose to 5.2% from 4.5%. However, rolling news France Info took away 4th place with 5.5% market share, up from 4.4%.

Half of the ten commercial music channels lost market share. Fun Radio, which had rebounded two years ago, dropped to 1.8% from 2.7%, the largest share loss of any channel. Also in the losing column: Cherie FM, down to 3.1% from 3.7%, and RFM, down to 3.0% from 3.6%.

Skyrock, Nostalgie and NRJ significantly rebounded from recent share losses in the Greater Paris survey area. Skyrock increased to 5.0% from 4.4%, NRJ to 4.6% from 3.9% and Nostalgie to 4.6% from 4.1%.

Lagardère’s new Virgin Radio, renamed from Europe 2 on January 1st, need at least six months to a year before people will even know what they are voting for.

Taken together the channels of public broadcaster Radio France rose to a 20.6% market share from 19% one year on in the Greater Paris region. Aggregate share for commercial channels dropped 74.7% from 76.7% one year on. Aside from the normal strikes of Air France and the rail system, the September to December survey period included the rugby World Cup (September/October), President Sarkozy’s divorce announcement (October 18) and the violent reaction in the Paris suburbs to the tragic death of two young people being chased by police (November 25). There was a lot to talk about.

But the gains for news/talk channels may have something to do with radios’ credibility. TNS Sofres published its 2007 media barometer (January 24) and, it will certainly be a surprise to some, radio was rated the most credible medium in France (57%), ahead of newspapers (49%), TV (46%) and the internet (31%). People in France, according to the survey, felt the Zoe’s Ark story received too much media attention; the rugby World Cup, about the right amount of attention and global warming received too little attention. 93% said the media gave too much attention to the personal life of President Sarkozy.

Médiamétrie surveys persons 13 years and older.


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