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Sources : Médiamétrie - La Rumeur de Cannes 2006 - Copyright Médiamétrie - Tous droits réservés. Enquête réalisée à Cannes auprès de 604 festivaliers. A deux jours de la remise de la Palme d’Or, le duel entre les films «Volver» et «Babel» n’a jamais été aussi serré : 21,4% des festivaliers pensent que « Volver » sera le grand gagnant de cette sélection cannoise, contre 20,7% pour le film « Babel ».
On retrouve toujours en 3ème position (mais plus en retrait) le film «Marie-Antoinette» avec 8,3% des votes. Le film « Indigènes » se maintient à la 4ème place avec 5,1% des citations. EuroParl - Public Hearing on Audiovisual Media Services Directive - May 24, 2006The draft directive on audiovisual media services is a key issue at a public two-day hearing on 1 and 2 June at the European Parliament in Brussels, which is jointly organised by the Committee on Culture and Education and 5 other Committees. MEPs will hear from top-level managers from both public and private broadcasters as well as regulators, academics, journalists and consumers' representatives. Divided into 6 panels, the participants will focus on the scope of the directive, its economic and its non-economic aspects. Moreover, advertisement rules, product placement and the delicate issue of copyright are on the agenda. Finally, protection of minors and human dignity and the promotion of cultural diversity and pluralism will also be discussed. The presidents of French, Italian and Swedish public broadcasters, representatives of private broadcasters, major independent producers (Endemol) and advertisers (IP-Network/RTL) will be among those taking part. Telecommunications and network operators, digital media, script writers, journalists and legal experts will also be heard. As for the MEPs, CULT rapporteur Ruth Hieronymi will discuss the draft legislation with Gianni de Michelis (ITRE draftsperson), Heide Rühle (IMCO draftsperson), Karsten Friedrich Hoppenstedt (ECON draftsperson), Jean-Marie Cavada (LIBE draftsperson) and Lissy Gröner (FEMM draftsperson). The hearing will take place in the Parliamentary chamber on 1 June from 3 p.m. till 6.30 p.m. and on 2 June from 9 a.m. till 12.30 p.m.
EBU - Climbing numbers for the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest - May 24, 2006from Aline Ingwersen EBU Very positive audience ratings were recorded for the ESC 2006 organized by ERT at the Athens Olympic Sports Complex, on 18 (Semi-Final) and 20 May (Final). The two shows were broadcast live over the Eurovision network in over 40 countries across Europe and in Australia, where viewers watched Finland's Lordi win the 51st Eurovision Song Contest with heavy metal anthem Hard Rock Hallelujah. This year, the number of viewers for the Semi Final were 35% higher than in 2005 and for the Final, were up by 28%. On the night of the Final, the market shares of the 37 broadcasters taking part in the Contest in Athens were over 30% higher than the regular Saturday night primetime averages recorded by broadcasters for 2005. In France, average market shares reached 30.3%, up by 8% over last year's figure. Other countries that showed a rise in average market shares, include Germany with 38.7% (up from 29.8%), UK with 37.5% (up from 36.9%), Spain with 36% (up from 35.5%), Ireland with 58.3 % (up from 35.3%) and Sweden, which reached over 80% compared to 57.8% in 2005. "As the figures show, millions of European viewers tune in to this unique event year after year, perhaps because the ESC is a symbol of open-mindedness, as all participating countries are equal on the event's stage", said Svante Stockselius, EBU executive supervisor for the Eurovision Song Contest. The official ESC website, www.eurovision.tv, continues to be one of the world's most popular entertainment websites. Eurovision.tv received visits from over 200 countries, registered over 4.2 million on-demand streams (1.1 million more than in 2005) and more than 98 million page views, compared with 85 million in 2005. Over 6.4 million calls and SMS votes were recorded during the 10-minute voting windows at the end of the shows, an increase of 23% compared to last year. Viewers from 38 countries across Europe were able to elect the winning song via the pan-European centralized televoting system, which was coordinated and especially developed for the contest by digame.de GmbH, an affiliate of Deutsche Telekom. The 52nd ESC will be held in Finland on 10 and 12 May 2007. WDR - Rundfunkrat setzt Wahlvorbereitungs-Ausschuss ein – May 23, 2006from Marion Koch WDR Der Rundfunkrat setzt zur Vorbereitung der Intendantenwahl einen Wahlvorbereitungs-Ausschuss ein, der dem Rundfunkrat einen Wahlvorschlag unterbreitet. Der Wahlvorbereitungs-Ausschuss führt zunächst Gespräche mit Intendant Fritz Pleitgen im Hinblick auf mögliche Optionen einer Wiederwahl. Dem Ausschuss sollen angehören: Der Rundfunkratsvorsitzende Reinhard Grätz, die stellvertretende Rundfunkratsvorsitzende Dr. Nicola Hirsch, die Ausschussvorsitzenden, die stellvertretenden Ausschussvorsitzenden und Herr Martin Hülskamp. Mit beratender Stimme sollen der Verwaltungsratsvorsitzende sowie der stellvertretende Verwaltungsratsvorsitzende dem Ausschuss angehören. Zuvor hatte Intendant Fritz Pleitgen vor dem Rundfunkrat eine persönliche Erklärung abgegeben, die von dem Gremium mit großem Beifall aufgenommen wurde. Der Intendant hat nochmals klargestellt, dass es nicht seiner Lebensplanung entspreche, für eine weitere Amtszeit zur Verfügung zu stehen. Er habe bereits konkrete Buch- und Filmprojekte nach dem Ende seines Vertrages am 30.6.2007 abgesprochen. In den letzten Wochen hätten ihn allerdings mehr und mehr Mitglieder des Rundfunkrats, der Geschäftsleitung und der Mitarbeiterschaft gebeten, sein Amt als Intendant fortzusetzen. Vor dem Rundfunkrat machte der Intendant deutlich, dass er sich auch weiterhin nicht um eine Amtszeit bewerben werde. Er informierte das gesamte Gremium, was er bereits vor Wochen dem Vorsitzenden Reinhard Grätz mitgeteilt hatte: Falls sich das Gremium nicht auf eine Nachfolge einigen könnte und es ihn aufforderte, eine weitere Amtszeit anzutreten, würde er sich einem solchen Wunsch nicht verschließen. ITU - Intense debate aims at future shape of digital broadcast services – May 22, 2006from ITU Press Office The ITU Regional Radiocommunication Conference (RRC-06), in session since last week, has been making quiet but steady progress towards an 'all-digital' terrestrial broadcasting service for radio and television. This represents a significant step in the future development of information and communication technologies as well as the revolutionary direction it will provide in improving communications worldwide. In its first week of deliberations, RRC-06 took decisions to allow iteration of the complex software tools used by the ITU secretariat as a basis to generate the draft plan that will facilitate digital broadcasts around the world in the future. Mr Yoshio Utsumi, addressing the inaugural session of the Conference on 15 May, noted that digital terrestrial broadcasting is now a reality in many countries. "Many Member States have already established a cut-off date for migration from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting," he said. "Recognizing the advantages of the digital dividend, these countries are demanding immediate and unrestricted access to digital bandwidths. Meanwhile, other countries remain protective of the analogue system." In view of this divergence, a major challenge of the Conference is to find ways of permitting digital and analogue broadcasting systems to co-habit on the radio frequency spectrum without causing interference. A regional agreement for the digital service, planned in the frequency bands 174-230 MHz and 470-862 MHz, should be reached at the end of the next five weeks of deliberations with important implications for countries of Europe and Africa (Region 1) and the Middle East and the Islamic Republic of Iran (Region 3). Conference Chairman, Mr Kavouss Arasteh of the Islamic Republic of Iran, noted that the overall objective for RRC-06 must be to meet current digital broadcasting requirements while gaining the maximum flexibility for the future use of the spectrum becoming available as a result of digital technology efficiency gains. He added that such spectrum may be provided for broadcasting services, as well as other potential advanced communications services, matching both technological and commercial developments. Digital terrestrial television broadcasting is already a reality in many countries within the planning area. In countries where terrestrial television is still dominant, application of digital broadcasting is providing more channels and increasing choice for the consumers. In other countries where there is a much higher penetration of cable and satellite and less reliance on terrestrial broadcasting, digital broadcasting offers mobile reception of video, internet and multimedia data. Digital broadcasting is roughly six times more efficient than analogue, allowing more channels to be carried across fewer airwaves. The plans for digital switchover will therefore allow for an increase in the efficiency with which the spectrum is used - a digital dividend - which will open the way for wireless innovation and the potential for new services. Mr Arasteh also co-chaired the first session of the Radiocommunication Conference in 2004 and chaired the intersessional planning activities. Digital terrestrial broadcasting services will go a long way in connecting remote communities and in closing the digital divide. Mr Valery Timofeev, Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau of ITU, said, "This conference represents the first practical response in the radiocommunications sector to the decisions of the World Summit on the Information Society concerning the existing digital divide." Nearly 700 delegates representing 120 administrations of ITU Members States within the planning area are currently debating complex technical, regulatory and political issues while simultaneously negotiating with neighbours on the coexistence of broadcasting and other wireless systems. RRC-06 is running in parallel with two short-period conferences for the revision and abrogation of the Stockholm 1961 and Geneva 1989 Agreements dealing with frequency bands and articles relevant to analogue television. Previous News From You | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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