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ftm Radio Page - November 6, 2009

Regulator gives HD Radio a boost
A new digital divide

Local radio stations in Switzerland can add digital programs from January 1st via the HD Radio technology, said regulator OFCOM (November 4). The Swiss Federal Council approved the rules change to “improve the conditions under which local radio… can diversify their range of programs with a relatively modest investment.” (See OFCOM statement here – in French). At a recent broadcasters conference on HD Radio an OFCOM official indicated that government approval was imminent. (See that story here)

Local radio concessions in Switzerland are the domain of the private sector. Public broadcaster SSR-SRG remains fully engaged in offering digital radio channels through the DAB and DAB+ platforms. Many private, commercial broadcasters have resisted DAB and DAB+, cost being the major consideration. The rule change makes more likely separate digital platforms for public and private sector radio broadcasters. (More on digital radio here)

In a separate decision OFCOM amended rules to allow local cable TV companies with 5,000 or fewer subscribers to broadcast radio and television signals without further licensing. (JMH)

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Radio Page - October 24, 2009

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Digital Radio - Forward...slightly

Digital radio is slowly finding its way. Broadcasters are challenged by shifts in business models, audience expectations and regulation limbo. This ftm Knowledge file details the promise of digital broadcasting and the paradigm shifts. 83 pages PDF (June 2009)

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