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Week ending January 14, 2012

Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue / The Role of Media in the Arab World's Transformation Process - January 11, 2012
from Andrea Küppers/ DW

Großansicht des Bildes mit der Bildunterschrift: The University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and DW-AKADEMIE cordially invite you to take part in the Third Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue.

May 16, 2012

Deutsche Welle | Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 3 | 53113 Bonn

The University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, the Cologne University of Applied Sciences, and DW-AKADEMIE cordially invite you to take part in the Third Deutsche Welle Media Dialogue.

Prof. Dr. Michael Krzeminski (University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidt (DW-AKADEMIE)
Prof. Dr. Rolf Schwartmann (Cologne Media Law Research Department, Cologne University of Applied Sciences)

Since the "Arab Spring" uprisings beginning December 2010, social media and its influence on the transformation process in the Arab world has often been praised as being the core medium in these revolutions. In some countries, in fact, it appears to have played an important role.

But has social media been more effective than traditional media? Which other factors spurred these revolutions? Why have some uprisings been successful and others suppressed? And what role does media development play?

The conference aims to analyze the diverse structural, economic, legal and political dimensions of the media market in the Arab world and their influence on political developments.

Two panels will explore the following topics:

Panel 1 Regulation versus liberty: Media landscape transformation
The focus will be on the state and development of the media market in the Arab world, the legal and economic situation, and future perspectives for the media there.

Panel 2 Social media revolution and freedom of expression
The focus will be on the impact of social media on political mobilization, and on social media’s possibilities and obstacles regarding the recent social processes in the Arab world.

The conference will be held in English. We invite international media academics and political scientists, economists, academic lawyers and journalists to participate.

Please send your proposal for a 15 minute presentation to DW-AKADEMIE (see e-Mail below) as a pdf or doc file. The abstract should contain no more than 6.000 characters (including blank spaces) and should be assigned to one of the panels.

Submissions should be made in English. Please include a title page with your proposal containing the presentation title and name(s) and address(es) of the presenter(s). Please also include a short abstract which - should your proposal be accepted - will be used for the program.

Papers will be subject to review. Submitters will be informed by February 29, 2012.

All accepted proposals will be published in full length in the conference transcript.

Authors are encouraged to submit their abstracts/papers for consideration as posters. Posters can be presented during the conference breaks. The above conditions regarding the selection process for papers also apply to the poster session.

Submission date: Submissions are now being accepted
Submission deadline: February 06, 2012
Submitters will be informed by February 29, 2012.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmidt
International Media Studies
T +49.228.429-2031
F +49.228.429-3520

Previous News From You

News From You: Week ending January 7, 2012

News From You: Week ending December 24, 2011

News From You: Week ending December 10, 2011

News From You: Week ending December 3, 2011

News From You: Week ending November 26, 2011

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