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Week ending May 15, 2010
Durch die gestiegenen Breitband-Kapazitäten im Internet haben Nutzung und Angebote von Webradios deutlich zugenommen. Ende 2009 gab es in Deutschland bereits mehr als 2.200 Webradios, vier Fünftel davon sind ausschließlich im Internet empfangbar – sogenannte Internet-Only-Sender, die anderen sind Live- Streams der UKW-Radio-Sender (Simulcast-Streams).
Mit dem Webradiomonitor 2010 erarbeitet die Berliner Strategieberatung Goldmedia ( im Auftrag der Bayerischen Landeszentrale für neue Medien – BLM ( zum zweiten Mal in Folge eine umfangreiche Marktübersicht zum Thema Webradio in Deutschland, deren Verbreitung und Nutzung, zu Werbeformen, Reichweiten und Leistungswerten. Die Studie erschien erstmals 2009 und basiert auf einer umfangreichen Primärdatenerhebung mittels Befragung aller Webradio-Anbieter in Deutschland. Die neue Erhebung zum Webradiomonitor 2010 ist gerade angelaufen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen werden im Rahmen der „Lokalrundfunktage 2010" (6./7. Juli 2010) in Nürnberg vorgestellt.
Zur Teilnahme an der Befragung, die Ende Juni 2010 endet, ist jeder deutsche Webradioanbieter ab sofort eingeladen. Der Fragebogen kann online auf der neu eingerichteten Informationsplattform für Webradio abgerufen werden. bündelt alle wichtigen Informationen, Marktdaten und Leistungswerte über Internetradio in Deutschland und ist damit sowohl für Webradioanbieter, Werbungtreibende, Media- und Werbeagenturen als auch für Webradionutzer die zentrale Plattform für Radioangebote im Internet.
« Si la radio est un média majeur, elle est aujourd’hui confrontée à des mutations technologiques qui bousculent son modèle économique et fragmentent son paysage » a observé Mme Catherine Morin-Desailly (UC – Seine-Maritime), présidente du groupe d’études « Médias et nouvelles technologies » du Sénat, lors de la parution des actes de la table ronde organisée au Sénat le 15 janvier dernier sur l’avenir de la radio.
Au cours de cette table ronde, les grandes radios ont émis le souhait d’un moratoire sur le lancement de la radio numérique terrestre (RNT) et les représentants des autres radios ont indiqué leur scepticisme sur la norme de diffusion choisie. Il apparaît donc logique que le Conseil supérieur de l’audiovisuel soit dans l’expectative quant à la suite à donner à l’appel à candidatures en cours pour la délivrance d’autorisations en RNT sur les zones de Paris, Marseille et Nice.
Toutefois, eu égard à l’importance de la RNT pour l’avenir de la radio, Mme Catherine Morin-Desailly exhorte les pouvoirs publics, et notamment le Gouvernement, à engager rapidement une nouvelle réflexion sur les conditions économiques et techniques de réussite de la radio numérique terrestre.
Elle estime, en outre, qu’il serait opportun que le Parlement fixe une échéance de moyen terme pour l’extinction de la diffusion en ondes moyennes et longues, et de long terme, pour l’extinction de la radio diffusée par voie hertzienne en mode analogique.
Enfin, elle s’interroge sur la pertinence du seuil anticoncentration aujourd’hui prévu pour les radios dans la loi du 30 septembre 1986 relative à la liberté de communication.
The Association of Commercial Broadcasters in Europe ( active in 34 European countries and with 30 members representing the commercial broadcasting sector in Europe, welcomes today’s meeting of the EP Intergroup for Media. Supported by a wide range of political groups and including the main players from the European media industry, the Intergroup for Media has debated the fast pace of change of the media landscape in the light of the digital revolution at its second official meeting in Brussels today. The topic of the Digital Agenda ranks among the top policy priorities currently being debated in Brussels, with Commissioner for the Information Society, Neelie Kroes, about to present a Communication on this dossier in due course and the EP having adopted an own-initiative report on this dossier recently.
Chaired by Jean-Marie Cavada (French Christian Democrat MEP), the Intergroup enables Parliamentarians and representatives of the media industry to work on subjects in a more open and wide-ranging manner than is possible in the formal EP committee system.
Commercial broadcasters fully support the initiative to discuss the Digital Agenda at the EP Media Intergroup and welcome the possibility to share our views on the challenges facing the media sector today with publishers, journalists and broadcasters.
Ross Biggam, ACT Director General, speaking at the EP Media Intergroup on behalf of commercial broadcasters, commented: “The creation of this Intergroup enables media issues to be more widely debated within the European Parliament. With these discussions, Parliamentarians demonstrate their willingness to seriously tackle the challenging convergence of media and show their awareness of digital opportunities and economic threats implied. As major investors in original creative content, commercial broadcasters look forward to continuing this useful co-operation”.
A new platform developed by the EBU allows Members to share multimedia content for their websites and visual radio services. In the era of transmedia storytelling, the Euroradio Multimedia Exchange System (Euroradio MES) will revolutionize the way that Members share and obtain content for their radio services.
While Radio was in the past an audio-only medium, the internet and mobile platforms now play such an important role in the way people listen, that it’s fast becoming an expectation that public service media organizations provide rich multimedia content in support of their broadcast output. Many listeners to a radio station’s news bulletin will habitually turn to the website expecting to find the video and images that make up the ‘DVD extras’ of radio news today.
Sourcing these elements, however, is not straightforward for journalists. Complex rules governing copyright, high fees charged by photo agencies and the huge range of sources available mean that broadcasters are often unable to find all the content that their audiences expect.
Addressing this challenge, the Euroradio MES aims to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ bringing together rights-cleared media from EBU Members and partner organizations including UN Multimedia and trusted freelance journalists across the world.
The Euroradio MES is the newest member of a family of exchange services offered by EBU Radio, including the Euroradio News Exchange - which supplies radio journalists across Europe with audio clips from major events – and the Eurosonic and Euroclassic concert databases.
Previous News From You
News From You: Week ending May 8, 2010
News From You: Week ending May 1, 2010
News From You: Week ending April 17, 2010
News From You: Week ending April 10, 2010
News From You: Week ending April 3, 2010
News From You: Week ending March 27, 2010
News From You: Week ending March 20, 2010
News From You: Week ending March 13, 2010
News From You: Week ending February 27, 2010
News From You: Week ending February 20, 2010
News From You: Week ending February 13, 2010
News From You: Week ending January 30, 2010
News From You: Week ending January 23, 2010
News From You: Week ending January 16, 2010
News From You: Week ending January 9, 2010
News From You: Week ending January 2, 2010