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Week ending April 4, 2009

RCS MediaGroup - Ferruccio de Bortoli designated as editor of Corriere della Sera - March 30, 2009
from Maria Verdiana Tardi/RCS MediaGroup

The Board of Directors of RCS Quotidiani S.p.A. met today under the chairmanship of Piergaetano Marchetti, and unanimously designated Ferruccio de Bortoli as editor of Il Corriere della Sera. Mr de Bortoli was previously editor of the same newspaper from 1997 to 2003. The Board of Directors of RCS MediaGroup also met today, and unanimously approved the appointment. Mr de Bortoli will step into his new post once the formal procedures have been completed.

The Board extended its heartfelt thanks to Paolo Mieli and its appreciation for his work during many delicate and complex situations, as well as for his willingness to continue to work with the group in future on a basis to be agreed.

Against the current economic backdrop, which is particularly difficult for the publishing business, the whole RCS group is energetically and determinedly dealing with the extraordinary challenges that must be faced in order to bring greater efficiency to the Corriere and its publishing system, and to keep pace with developments in the sector. As ever, the title will continue to build on its tradition of glorious leadership through an increasingly authoritative voice based first and foremost on quality and independence.

To help in this challenging task, following a proposal by Antonello Perricone, CEO of RCS Quotidiani (which also includes the group’s Spanish operations), Giorgio Valerio, General Manager of RCS Quotidiani, has been appointed as CEO of the Italian operations.

The Board of RCS MediaGroup has also been informed of a list of candidates by the Chairman of the Shareholders’ Agreement, who will deposit within the due terms, for the new Board of Directors of RCS MediaGroup (which will be proposed of 21 members). The list contains the following names: Piergaetano Marchetti, Antonello Perricone, Raffaele Agrusti, Roberto Bertazzoni, Gianfranco Carbonato (independent), Claudio De Conto, Diego Della Valle, John Elkann, Giorgio Fantoni (independent), Franzo Grande Stevens, Berardino Libonati (independent), Jonella Ligresti, Giuseppe Lucchini, Paolo Merloni, Andrea Moltrasio (independent), Renato Pagliaro, Carlo Pesenti, Virginio Rognoni (independent), Alberto Rosati, Enrico Salza and Antonio Segni (independent).

The Chairman of the Shareholders’ Agreement also expressed the unanimous approval of its members regarding Mr de Bortoli’s appointment as editor of Corriere della Sera.

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